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This is for a Hair Analysis TEST & 1- One Hour Zoom Session. (Coaching, follow ups & supplements are not included with this package). 

You will receive:

(1) One Hair Analysis Test with recommendations and a One (1)  Hour Consultation explaining your results. Recommendations for foods that will help are included for you as well as a suggested targeted personalized protocol will be sent to you in an email to keep. Hair Analysis Testing can give you answers you never thought possible and will get to the root cause. It assesses your dietary and supplement needs as well as insight on how to easily attain optimal health and wellness. It will determine your current physical status and how it relates to metabolic function, adrenal and thyroid function, digestion, heavy metals, mineral deficiencies or excesses and recommendations for proper balance. Learn which foods are aggravating your symptoms, conditions or behaviors. It will show how stress is affecting you as well as what will  help you alleviate any symptoms. Results will be sent to you promptly in 2 to 3 weeks from the time you send in your sample to Trace Elements, Inc. Supplements are optional but highly recommended. 


  • Trace Elements hair mineral testing determines your present state of being as it relates to metabolism, mineral balance, heavy metals and digestion. Once a baseline is developed, we design an approach toward promoting long-term health with targeted supplements and other suggestions specific to your individual profile. Wellness coaching is essential for success. We offer nutritional balancing strategies, recipe ideas, food choice recommendations and support. We use a common sense approach to fit your lifestyle.

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