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Are you confused about which foods or supplements you should be taking? It is completely different for everyone. During our 30 minutes together you will get lots of information pertaining specific to your needs. I will be giving you general food & supplement recommendations which I have found to work with my clients. You can ask any questions along the way. A follow up email will be sent to you with the information we talk about during the call. This is a 30 minute phone session.


  • Trace Elements Hair Analysis Testing and Report will showyour present state or condition as it relates to metabolism, mineral balance, heavy metals, adrenal and thyroid status and digestion. This approach targets all systems at the same time to set you up for success. Once a baseline for you is developed, we design an approach toward promoting long-term health with targeted supplements and other suggestions specific to your individual profile. Wellness coaching is essential for success. We offer Nutritional Balancing,  strategies, recipe ideas, food choice recommendations and support. A common sense approach to fit your lifestyle needs.

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